Buyer’s Guide to Topsoil

How to Improve Your Topsoil for Maximum Plant Growth

Quality soil is essential for any successful garden or landscaping project. If your soil is not up to par, your plants won’t be able to thrive and you won’t get the full benefits of a healthy garden.

Thankfully, there are steps that you can take to improve your topsoil for maximum plant growth. Let’s look at the best ways you can give your garden the boost it needs.

Test Your Soil

Before you start changing anything in your soil, it is important to understand what kind of soil you have and what nutrients it lacks by testing it.

You can do this easily with a soil test kit from your local gardening center or home improvement store. This will provide valuable information about what type of amendment you should add in order to optimize the nutrient content of your soil.

Once you know what kind of amendments are needed, then you can start adding them.

Organic Matter

Adding organic matter such as compost is one of the best ways to improve your topsoil and make sure that it has all the nutrients necessary for plant growth and health.

Compost provides beneficial bacteria and fungi that help break down organic material into usable nutrients for plants. Compost also helps maintain good moisture levels in the soil which prevents water loss during hot weather and helps keep plants hydrated even during dry seasons.

In addition, compost adds structure to soils which improve drainage and helps aerate roots better so that they can take in more oxygen and moisture from the environment.


The addition of fertilizers will help replenish some lost minerals in soils due to leaching from rainwater or runoff from other sources like lawn sprinklers or streams nearby.

Fertilizers come in liquid or granulated forms that are easy to apply directly on topsoils with a hose-end sprayer or spreader respectively.

When choosing a fertilizer, make sure it has all three essential macronutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium) as well as micronutrients like iron and magnesium if possible since these will also benefit plants immensely over time with regular use.


Improving your topsoil is an essential step towards having a bountiful garden that produces lush plants year after year.

By testing the quality of your topsoil before making amendments, adding organic matter such as compost regularly, and applying fertilizer judiciously when needed, you will see great results with healthier-looking plants in no time at all.

If done correctly, these simple steps will ensure optimal plant growth for years to come.

Need Quality Topsoil? Contact Us

At Orlando topsoil, we know that healthy soil is the foundation of a thriving garden. That’s why we offer topsoil at the lowest prices in Orlando. We also offer flat-rate shipping for all orders within 30 miles of our location. Whether you’re starting a new garden bed or filling in some bare spots, we have the high-quality topsoil you need to get the job done right. So, don’t wait any longer,